I took this photo of DD and DS3 having fun in a splash park in Maldon. I have always loved taking photos of my kids with film-in cameras, various digital cameras differing in quality as technology moved on, and my trusty iphone, but recently have wanted to take "proper" photos with a decent DSLR camera. Fortunately, my brother had got into photography as a hobby a couple of years earlier so gave me some great advice about which camera to buy. He also generously lent me a very expensive close-up lens and flash gun so I could have a go without shelling out a lot of cash.
In addition, I joined a local camera club at the beginning of this year so have been learning some useful tips and it has inspired me to try different settings for different effects.
This photo was taken when I was experimenting with water photos and the kids gathered underneath a fountain which made a mushroom shape of water. I love that DS3 is sticking his tongue out to take a taste, and the shimmering effect the water makes around the kids!
The photo was taken with a Canon EOS 1100D with a EF 85mm lens, trying some advice from our camera club leader on taking photos with a higher shutter speed to show up the droplets. Not sure if I did it correctly, but I like the photo nonetheless!
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